that inspire

We recognize that we are all part of a whole. Humankind and the planet demand ever-greater challenges. From now on, our effort must be to transform the experience gained into new responses to new challenges.

Understanding that whenever we connect one point with another we are connecting people, making each connection an inspiring act.

Alejandro Ferreiro

Member of boards of directors in companies and foundations

Is ethics a smart choice? Not only that. It is the only one possible.


Modesta Muñoz

Secretary of Education, Culture, and Sports of El Carmen de Bolívar

How does education transform people? “Improving the quality of education is not only an academic process, but a process that transforms one’s being.”


Juan Torres

Arhuaco Mamo (sage)

What does the most impressive animal in the American jungle symbolize? This is the vision of the Arhuacos, one of the four indigenous communities of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.


Esteban Payán

South America Regional Director

The jaguar, the largest cat in the American continent, is found from Mexico to the north of Argentina in 18 countries and 7 million km2. But it’s disappearing.


Luis Fernando Gómez

Lost his vision and now works so that children who have the same condition see life in a different way.

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Daniele Da Silva

Daniele found his passion in CrossFit.

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Christian Dannecker

Un alemán que llegó a Colombia para conservar fósiles vivientes

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This is what guides all our decisions, the light that shows us the future and our legacy for the next generations. Our Manifesto.



We have been connecting countries and improving the quality of life of millions of people for 54 years. That is our great responsibility, which we take on demanding the best of ourselves, our partners, and our allies, so that we can achieve the level of excellence that has won for us the trust of many. To honor the road we have traveled, we must commit once more to the many things that still need to be done.

We recognize that we are all part of a whole. Humankind and the planet demand ever-greater challenges. Today, our efforts should point at transforming our experience into new answers to the challenges we face; understanding that whenever we connect one point with another we are connecting people, making each connection an inspiring act.

If we are aware that we all are one and the same, there is connection. If we are certain that our well-being is linked to everyone else’s, there is connection.


If we are aware that we all are one and the same, there is connection.

If we recognize that our planet is fragile and needs our care, there is connection.

If we understand that our actions, however small, have an impact, there is connection.

If we realize that in each of us lies the change that we want for the world, there is connection.

If we are certain that our well-being is linked to everyone else’s, there is connection.

If we know that excellence is the result of the effort we place in every single act, there is connection.

If we are committed to act constructively and responsibly in the decisions we make, there is connection.

If it moves us to know that we are made for great challenges, there is connection.

After half a century, we renew ourselves by creating one connection after another. Without borders. Without barriers. That is our legacy to the new generations. We are convinced that if there is a connection, there is life.

Let’s celebrate!

At ISA, transformation and impact are transversal

ISA wants to achieve a major change in our environmental and social impact. For this reason, ISA’s programs are crossing borders every day:


ISA, in a technical alliance with South Pole and Panthera, contributes to the mitigation of climate change, improves the quality of life of rural communities, and recovers and connects the natural habitats across the jaguar corridor in Latin America.


ISA strengthens the educational ecosystem’s capacities to generate transformations in the areas of influence. This is our contribution for present and future generations.


An initiative for those who believe that the promotion of positive environmental and social impact starts with small actions.